Creating a Scheduled Ticket

When you want to schedule a ticket so that it is created automatically on a specific date and time with optional recurrence, you can do so from the New dropdown in your installation header and also from the Site Visit Schedule in the Scheduled Tickets view.

  1. Click on the New dropdown in your installation header and select New ticket.
  2. Alternatively...

    Click on the New scheduled ticket button at the top right of the Scheduled Tickets page.

    The New ticket page is displayed.

  3. Enter the ticket Title, Description and upload any attachments as necessary.
  4. Attachment size is limited to 8MB.
  5. Click on the Schedule this ticket link and enter the date and time you want the ticket to be created in the Starts on fields.
  6. Choose if and how you want the ticket to recur from the following options in the Repeat dropdown:
    • Never
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Yearly
  7. Add all other necessary ticket details and click on Create ticket.
  8. The Scheduled tickets view in the Site Visit Schedule is displayed listing the new scheduled ticket.